Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It tastes like... people

Kidding! Although... I wouldn't even really know what people taste like to begin with. Didn't that computer analyse humans and determine that they taste like bacon anyway? Yeah. It doesn't taste like bacon.

My mix tastes like Yoohoo.

Yep. Chocolate powder in milk that hasn't been stirred in all the way. In fact, after periodic shaking throughout the night, my mix looked like this when I went to put it into bottles:

Kind of like silt that had settled on the bottom of a dirty lake.

The Takeya bottles make it super easy to shake the pitchers vigorously and gave me an added advantage while pouring into the bottles.I have those two 12 ounce bottles in my mini fridge at work and the remainder with be my evening meal.  I made it through my first 16 ounces of DIYS between 7:30 and 10:30 this morning.

I haven't been targeting how much I need to drink by any particular time because I wanted to know how my body deals with DIYS on its own. At first, it seemed ideal for sipping on all day. And then it happened- I got near the bottom of my cup and realized that my constant stirring had not prevented sludge from forming on the bottom.

The same gritty sludge is also forming in my bottles; you can see the lines forming just above the silicone covers.

The taste/flavor was fine. Excellent, really. But the texture! Oh man, the warnings about the texture do NOT prepare you. It eventually came down to choking back mouthfuls of mix that had the consistency of trying to drink seawater with a healthy helping of sand in it. But, you know, chocolatey. And the bits of corn flour (et al) had to be chewed and felt like they were getting stuck in my teeth.

I think, maybe, that tonight will involve me pulverizing that corn flour with a mortar and pestle.

But the truth is that anyone who has read the same stuff that I did knew about the texture issue already. The main question is... am I hungry?

No. I'm not. And it's wonderful.

More to be posted as the day progresses. My tummy is making funny gurgle noises but they aren't painful or indicative of hunger, so I'm hopeful. I'll also have my personal numbers chart posted this evening as well.

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