Monday, August 18, 2014

Cheat? Who, me? Prove it!

Ha! Two weeks down, my health is fine, my energy is actually pretty darn good, and I'm TOTALLY NOT DEAD, YOU GUYS.

Success, I'd say.

Also, we had a bunch of friends over for a game day at my place and we stocked up on healthy stuff (not just because of our Soylent lifestyle but also because our friends are broccoli-and-plain-chicken-only health nuts) and it was a resounding success.

I cheated and it was totally okay. Naan bread (flatbread), hummus, some carrots, broccoli, and some sugar-free energy drinks. I didn't eat as much as I thought I might (I feared that I'd gorge as soon as that naan bread hit my mouth) but my stomach must have shrank because I was not only not really used to using my jaws for eating anymore but I got full from real food VERY FAST.

And when I weighed myself the next morning, I'd still lost weight. XD

So, 14 days in and I'm down 9 pounds (a very weird 9 pounds, mind you) and my BP is better, my blood glucose is holding at a steady 90-95 range, and I feel very very good. My hair never went funky, my skin isn't sallow, my nails aren't thinning (I hope!) and I have yet to faint. Woot!

All of this is fantastic news considering that immediately after my 3-week point, I start my Zumba class.

I might die. I might want to die. We'll see.

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