Thursday, September 24, 2015

Well, short version... Not Dead

DIY Soylent did not kill me.

Thanksgiving did.

Last year, roughly around this time, I got onto the DIYS wagon, rode it for 40 pounds of weight loss, and then joyfully visited with my family while reveling internally over my new, slimmer shape.

I thought I could handle some Thanksgiving. I thought a bit of yummy food shared with loved ones would be okay.

Sooooo wrong.

Thanksgiving was followed by a 5x Christmas. I enjoyed holiday gatherings with my dad's family, my husband's family, my mother, with my co-workers, and then again with my close friends. That's a lot of solid food for a girl with no willpower and a hankering for some sweet potatoes.

Yep. I relaxed my hold on the beast and gave in to eating like a norm again.

Say hello to current me:

That's a big ol' girl right there. And a statue. Sorry 'bout that. But yeah... I eventually reached a lovely slim 235 pounds last year when the holidays hit. From 275. Forty pounds of weight loss in less than half a year.

And now there's me. At 291.6 pounds. Took me a while, I'll admit it, but golly did I seem to be doing my best to get all that poundage back. It took a lot of Swiss Cake Rolls and Gushers and Pepsi and Stouffer's dinners but I managed it. :/ 

So, here we are. I've tried my hand at mixing DIYS again but I can't tolerate the mix flavor any more. I've ordered a batch of KetoFuel from Super Body Fuel but their orders are backed up (sound familiar) and I won't receive my July order until maaaaaybe Halloween. 

My remaining option (aside from buying pants in a size larger than I've ever worn before in my LIFE), was to take an odd, unexpected path. 

I went back to Soylent and bought 84 bottles of Soylent 2.0. 

It's pre-mixed, pre-bottled liquid that tastes a smidgen less vanilla-y than a pre-made French Vanilla Slim Fast drink. It's borderline yummy, 400 calories per bottle, and arrived REALLY fast (ordered 9/16, shipped 9/18, arrived 9/23). The website suggests 5 bottles per day to attain a 2000 cal/day diet but I've already established that a full batch of DIYS tended to actually stretch for 2 days instead of 1. I calculated 3 bottles/day to get a tidy 1200 caloric count and ended up with 84 bottles for $238.00.

$238 for four weeks of grub that I don't have to pre-mix myself?! YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

I'll keep you guys posted on any health issues or fluctuations but Day 1 has already turned out seriously well. A little gas, no cravings, no lightheadedness, and a nice but not too tasty smooth drink. 

I might have to cancel my order of Keto Fuel from Super Body Fuel; I'm going to be spoiled by all this "buy it, refrigerate it, and then drink it" nonsense. 

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