Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Still Alive! Yay!

It's been a while! That's okay- no news is good news!

There have been a few hiccups along the journey, of course, so here are the updates:

Axcho's Custom Body Fuel was running behind on deliveries so my husband was without his People Fuel Plus for a few weeks; it has weakened his resolve and he eats food semi-regularly now. It's discouraging to me only because I want all the food I find in my fridge!!

I had an upper respiratory infection for about a week and it kept me from swimming. I kept up with my DIYS mix but my weight loss slowed down.

As I my illness tapered off, my midterms began and sucked all my laptime away.

During midterms, we had a big storm hit and it not only knocked my fence over but it also blew my power for two days. Want to know what doesn't work without power? My immersion blender (not so important) and my refrigerator (quite important). DIYS and Soylent must be refrigerated. Period. So I had to eat food for two days. Ugh. I cannot describe to you the tumultuous state of my tummy during that time. At one point, food going down my throat made my esophagus burn. It was fine but I was very distraught. My weight loss suffered and then my metabolism was off... it was not fun.

Because of all of that, my numbers are not as tidy as "half a pound per day!" as I'd like them to be. But 30 pounds in 10 weeks isn't bad!

Not bad at all! :)


Also, for those interested, my husband ordered a 7-day batch of Axcho's Schmoylent (which is a smidgen cheaper) and it arrived a few days ago. Taste, consistency, and overall appeal is improved vastly. He will likely be ordering this instead of the People Fuel Plus from now on.

Heck, if I didn't want my calories to stay low, I'd be on it too! I really like the lack of grit!

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